The Goishi Coast - A Place of Pristine Natural Beauty
Over the years, there have been many places of natural beauty I have had the pleasure of visiting during my travels in Japan. But one in...

English Menus One Store at a Time: Another World Bar ~KEIJI~
As the half year mark approach since I moved to Ofunato, Iwate, I have come to learn that many restaurants are still reluctant to take...

The Hot Spring By the Sea - Kurosaki Senkyo Onsen
The view of the Pacific Ocean from Kurosaki Senkyo Onsen Located on the very tip of the rias coast - a distinctive geographical trait of...

E-Gusto - Kesen’s New Farm-To-Table Local Market
The Kesen District has a new addition to the area, known as “E-gusto”. Located in Sumita beside the popular ramen restaurant, “Menta”,...

「A new symbol for Ofunato: Sengoku Ship “Kesenmaru”」
On October of 2021, Ofunato City had started the on-shore displaying of the Sengoku Ship “Kesenmaru” which overcame the Great East Japan...

A Welcome Rest Area in the Taneyama Highlands
One of the nice features of Japan when driving around the countryside is running across one of the many rest stops that appear at the...

CAMOCY Rikuzentakata's Fermentation Facility
The entrance to CAMOCY Overall Description “To brew”. In Japanese, the word is “kamosu”, hence the name CAMOCY (pronounced kah-moh-shee)....

Takata Matsubara Tsunami Reconstruction Memorial Park
Overall Description It has been 10 years since the day of March 11, 2011. The Takata Matsubara Tsunami Reconstruction Memorial Park was...

The Sakari Shopping District
Photo of the Sakari Shopping District While the downtown area of Sakari, a district in Ofunato City, might not be as bustling with life...

An Explosion of Ramen Flavor in Sumita
Continuing our exploration of local eateries in the Kesen area I thought it prudent to talk about a local ramen shop, Menta located in...