Sumita’s Rōkandō Cave
Nestled up in the north-east corner of the town of Sumita, located next to the area’s highest mountain, Mt. Goyō is the limestone cave,...

Ofunato’s 12th Pacific Saury First Catch Festival
Right at the tail end of August, Ofunato held its 12th annual Pacific saury (sanma in Japanese, and for ease of writing, henceforth...

Yamanekodo: A Purveyor of Culture and Memories
Nestled just off the main road running through Takekoma-cho sits Yamanekodo, a former akiya, which was repurposed into a secondhand...

Kesen Cuisine – Part 2
Once again, I’m going to take the opportunity to showcase a few of the many restaurants in the Kesen area that have made an impression...

Scallop Aquaculture in Ofunato (Interview)
You may have heard me say multiple times, but the city of Ofunato prides itself as the city that supplies one of the finest seafoods. One...

The Yoshida-ke Residence Restoration Project
The Kesen region has a long and rich history, including a history of natural disaster. Nothing tells that story better than the...

The Sumita Matsubi Bridge – Where Tradition and Tranquilly Intersect
One of the things I’ve learned to appreciate the most about the Kesen area is the number of hidden gems of traditional culture that often...

Taking a Breather with a Nature Walk in Ofunato
#autumnfoliage #naturewalk #vantagepoint #bestofbothworlds #mountainview #oceanview #okubogorge #mountmoto *A car will be necessary since...

Rikuzentakata City Museum
Museum Exterior I am the kind of person that loves museums. Art, history, the normal and the obscure. Every new place I visit in the...

The Goishi Coast - A Place of Pristine Natural Beauty
Over the years, there have been many places of natural beauty I have had the pleasure of visiting during my travels in Japan. But one in...