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The Goishi Coast Tourism Festival

The Goishi Coast Tourism Festival


Held every year in the beginning of May

This year’s festival:

May 4, 2018 (Fri) 9:30-15:00

May 5, 2018 (Sat) 10:00-15:00

The weather is getting warmer, and it’s the perfect time to see the majestic cliffs and ocean views at the Goishi Coast of Ofunato! Every year during Golden Week, the coast hosts a festival to welcome tourists from all over the world – there’s tons of events and performances, as well as local cuisine you can try. Not only do you get to see the best of what Ofunato has to offer, you can also meet the people who call the area their home.

PLUS, there’s a whole corner set up just on POKEMON!!

(Don’t miss the live show on Pokemon that will take place at 14:30 each day)

On stage, you can see performances of local traditional dances like the Goishi Shichifukujin, a 150-year-old dance used to pray for good luck and a great catch of fish. There will also be stalls selling grilled scallops, mochi (pounded rice cake), seafood stew, and other local treats. You’ll even be able to catch a glimpse of Ofunato’s cute-as-a-button mascot character, Ofunaton (a mix between a camellia flower and a Dharma doll (a Buddhist good luck charm)).

This year’s festival will be held on May 4-5, 2018, but the festival is held every year around the same time for people interested in coming again.


Goishi Coast Resthouse parking lot


(022-0001) Iwate-ken, Oofunato-shi, Massaki-chou, Oohama 221-68

Address (Japanese):

〒022-0001 岩手県大船渡市末崎町大浜221−68

How to get to the Goishi Coast Resthouse

By car: We recommend a car for getting around Ofunato, as there’s not a lot of public transportation (and all of it is in Japanese). Ofunato is a little over 2 hours away from major inland cities in Iwate, and the Goishi Coast is about 30 minutes away from the city center. There’s plenty of parking at the resthouse.

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